Before purchase, please ensure you already register as Fresh Frozen member. If you haven't register click on here to register now.

1. Checking shipping available at your area by insert your area Poscode.
2.Select Product category.

3. Click “Add to cart” icon to order the product or Click on product image , go to product detail.

4.Select Product Quantity.
5. Click on "Add to Cart" if you wish to purchase another product, Click on "Buy Now" if you wish to checkout.

5.Click on "View Cart" to Checkout.

6. Check product detail and  product quantity, then click "Checkout".

7.Insert "General Information","Buyer Information", "Payment Method" and "Delivery Method". Click on "Continue".

8.Lastly, checking Buyer shipping Information and Product Detail and tick the agreement checkbox and click on "Pay Now" for payment transaction.